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Does my business need a website?

If you are asking yourself whether your business needs a website, the answer is yes. Every business, big or small, needs a website. We live in a world that runs digitally, and so does your business! While creating a website might seem daunting, it is necessary for any successful business to do so. In today’s age, there are many user-friendly ways to create websites, along with businesses that are dedicated to web design that would love to work with you in creating a website. While there are countless reasons for your business to have a website, let’s focus on four major reasons. 


A major reason as to why your business needs a website is the branding aspect. Branding is the idea that someone associates with a business. This reminds a client or potential client of all the things they associate with your business. Having a website makes your brand more responsive and more accessible. Clients and potential clients will be able to access information in a time that is convenient to them. Your website will also have the opportunity to showcase other aspects of your brand such as your logo, your values, and who you are. 84% of today’s consumers think a website makes your business more credible. These details are very important to clients and give you a more credible brand, so having a website that displays your brand is very helpful in bringing in those clients and keeping them coming back.

Search Engine Optimization

While living in a digital age, something your business wants to consider is how easy it is for clients to find you on the internet. Search engine optimization, or SEO, is the task of making your website easier to find in a search engine. Businesses that show up on the top of the list when you google a service or product have high SEO. A business with a website has a much higher SEO than one without a site. Your website will have keywords and information that trigger search engines to raise your business’s ranking in people’s searches. 68% of all online interactions begin with a search engine. Having a website is going to boost your SEO significantly and grow the amount of traffic your business has.


If your business doesn’t already have a website, the chances are that your competitors already do, and they’re benefitting from it. Competitors aren’t only benefiting from having a website, but they are benefiting from your business’s lack of online presence. If your potential clients are looking for information about a product or service that your business provides, they are going to go to your competitors with websites first so that they can access information efficiently. With a website, you can take advantage of the fact that 81% of shoppers research their product online before purchasing. If your business wants to throw their hat in the ring of those shoppers, you need a website that will point clients to you.

Customer Service

Though there are countless reasons that your business needs a website, our final reason for recommendation is that your website can be an excellent customer service tool. As mentioned before, your business’s website can house most, if not all the information your customers need about your business product or service. Your website can also provide your business’s hours, contact information, and prices. Your website will be a storehouse of information that clients can easily access instead of spending time scrolling all across the internet. This will also save your business time and money as it cuts down phone calls and emails asking questions that will be answered by your website.

So, yes, your business needs a website.

The bottom line is that your business, whether it’s big or small, needs a website. When it comes to reaching clients and potential clients well, the internet is a hugely valuable resource that can really grow your business’s clientele and reputation. MORE wants to help your business recognize its full value and create a website that will showcase your brand, raise your SEO, raise the stakes with your competition, and provide excellent customer service with your clientele. Contact us about building your business’s website today.