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Branding vs Logo: What’s the Difference


When beginning to market a new or existing business, something largely needed to consider is your business’s logo and branding. Many people think of branding and logo as being one in the same, but they are actually importantly separate pieces to making your business stand out. Both branding and a logo are important when it comes to giving your business a look that clients and potential clients will recognize. 

What is a Logo?

A logo is the first impression of your business. A logo uses words, numbers, pictures and/or symbols to show a visual representation of your business. Your business’s logo is extremely important because it is the recognizable face of your business. When someone sees your logo, you want them to think of your business and what your business entails. Your logo should draw in a person who sees it to want to know more about your business. Your logo should have your business’s name and something, whether it is a symbol, picture, or just the way your business’s name is arranged to show what your business represents. Your logo doesn’t have to show exactly what your business does, but potential clients should get a general sense of what your business’s focus is.

What is Branding?

While a logo is the first impression your business shows to clients and potential clients, your business’s branding is what sticks around with them. Branding is the idea that someone associates with a business. Branding is more than just seeing a business’s logo and knowing who they are. Branding reminds a client or potential client of all the things they associate with your business. Branding uses multiple elements including colors, fonts, logos, icons, and more to give your brand more than a face, a personality. Your business’s branding, when done right, will help people associate your business with the good work that you do. 

Why just a logo hurts you in the long run:

While having a logo is a great starting point when it comes to introducing your business, it is not enough to just stop there. Again, logos are your business’s first impression, but branding seals the deal with clients and potential clients. You want a memorable business that is multi-faceted, especially in our society that relies on multiple channels of consumption. Having just a logo with no branding is like getting a big deal with a client, shaking their hand, and then walking out right before its time to sign the contract. You want your clients and potential clients to remember your business, a logo will introduce them to you, but your branding will keep them on board.

How MORE can help:

MORE specializes in working with businesses to create branding that meets the business’s needs, as well as the business’s wants. We will research logo and branding trends in your field to create a timeless look for your business. Our team will collaborate with your business to create a logo package, which will include customized business cards, letterheads, email templates, and anything else your business might need. We will also create a style guide for your business to follow so you can stop wasting time by searching for the right color or fonts for hours. MORE wants to help your business reach its full potential with a logo and full branding. Contact us today!